Juggling Jim

Throughout my childhood I always remember seeing Anthony, often known as Juggling Jim, playing on the streets of King’s Lynn. I remember his magic tricks and his strumming of an often stringless guitar. There was something comforting in that – a stranger that I didn’t know, who played on the streets for many decades – a constant in an ever changing world.

A few hours ago a body was confirmed to be that of Anthony, Juggling Jim, and I felt sadness that a little piece of what I have known for three decades has disappeared – Juggling Jim is dead. We all have interesting stories in life to tell and I regret the fact that I never had the courage to stop and ask Anthony his story – I heard many stories about him and I always imagined him to have an exciting story to tell.

My mother pointed me in the direction of this video and I thought it was worth sharing. If you come from anywhere near King’s Lynn, I’m sure you’l recognise him.

By | 2017-01-24T00:14:49+00:00 January 24th, 2017|Thoughts and Inspiration|0 Comments

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