Don’t Send Me Flowers When I’m Dead

Don’t send me flowers when I’m dead. If you like me, send them while I’m alive.

– Brian Clough

Eleven months ago I was living in Australia and hadn’t seen my family for most of a year. Despite the cost, I flew back to England for a ten day trip (plus four days of travel), simply to say hello and spend some time together. On this particular day (pictured above) I paddled out into the cold, North Sea with my dad, and loved (almost) every minute of it.

After six years of moving and being far away from everything I knew as a child, I have decided to try and base myself in Malta. In this way I hope to continue living the life that I want to live whilst also being able to stay in better contact with so many great people I have encountered in my life. Inviting someone to my tent on the side of an unnamed road has not proved particularly successful thus far. I wouldn’t call this settling down – rather finding a base – and hope it leads to a more balanced life in the future. I love every minute of my time on the road, but after a six month hitchhike or walking across Iceland, it would be nice to take a little break and reflect and share.

It would also be nice to say to some of the special people I have met around the world, ‘come stay for a few days.’ It would be nice to be able to plan what I want to do next. It would be nice to have somewhere to put things (like sleeping bags and tents) so that I can go on more advanced trips in the future – everything I have owned for multiple years has been thrown away or passed on to someone else.

This isn’t stopping – from Malta I hope that I can do more of what I have wanted to do in life – and with regards to sharing, I hope to finally have a place where I can take my own time to create content that will be of use to others.

To a new adventure – a semi static one. I think I’ll call it base camp!

By | 2016-10-27T23:09:01+00:00 October 27th, 2016|Thoughts and Inspiration|2 Comments


  1. Allysse Riordan 28/10/2016 at 07:49 - Reply

    Good luck with this new ‘static’ adventure.
    I have myself found that I like having a base, a place to call home, and a community at my door. I hope you’ll get to find what you’re looking for in your base camp 😀

    • Jamie 28/10/2016 at 17:39 - Reply

      Thank you, Allysse. I’m happy to hear that you have found something positive, of a similar nature.

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